FAN (Family Ambassador Network) is a newly formed group of parents and students who understand the purpose and value of TTCA and want to be part of getting that message out to our larger community so prospective families can check out if TTCA is what they are desiring for their scholars too. Members connect with prospective and incoming students, give tours, share their stories, allow students to shadow them, and attend prospective and newly enrolled events.
Student-Led Bible Study: Regularly, our SLC (Student Leadership Council) chaplain leads a Bible study before school twice each week. This is peer to peer informal dialogue on relevant topics and spiritual discipleship and led by students who study God’s Word and pray together.
Yearbook is more than a class students can take. This community provides an excellent opportunity for students to develop a variety of practical graphic design, leadership, responsibility, and organizational skills. Our TTCA yearbook is a student-produced product under the expert leadership of our faculty.
Robotics First Technology Challenge is an international organization that annually challenges and inspires our robotics TTCA FTC Team PROTA 17222 to design and build a new and exciting robot every year starting in September and culminating with competitions that begin in December. FTC encompasses diverse career readiness skills including STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art, math), leadership, business, speech, and social skills.
Eagle-Gazette is a graded, for-credit community that allows students to share with, inform, and encourage peers and teachers on a daily basis. It is an electronic newsletter in the form of a newsreel that plays on the main flatscreen TV in the foyer. A rotation schedule is generated by students so a new video is created for each day of the school year. There are also larger projects for chapel presentations/celebrations and outside service projects like creating announcements for church services and assisting in generating TTCA promotional material.
Literature Club is a lively teacher-led lunch discussion around various works of literature that are of interest to the students.
Audubon Society provides presentations and field trips led by the director and volunteers from the Chemung County Audubon Society.
Photography Summit is a weekend of photography skills learned from experts in the field. Members of this group often take pictures at important events.
Worship Team is quite the musically talented crew who serve both our student body and local churches, while learning to be versatile in working with diverse tech teams.
Clubs: A variety of clubs are led by parents or local organizations typically meeting twice a month. These have included photography, gardening, fishing, chess, theater, birding, creative writing, hiking, baking, fitness, and many more. Topics depend on leadership and interest.