Twin Tiers Christian Academy provides a strong athletic program to develop a student-athlete who seeks to glorify God in every area. Whether working hard to develop individual skills, growing in personal discipline, or cultivating leadership skills, TTCA offers an athletic program that seeks to soundly develop every student-athlete who can reach their potential for the glory of God and the benefit of those around them.
Our athletic program is a vital part of a student’s education and has the potential to round out a child’s educational experience. Our goal is that all TTCA athletes develop the Christian character that will help them succeed long after the game’s final buzzer sounds.
Twin Tiers Christian Academy is a member of the New York-Pennsylvania Christian Athletic Conference. Our sports teams participate in conference playoffs, and our students regularly receive recognition as standout conference athletes. TTCA is also registered with the New York State Public High School Athletic Association as a “Friends & Neighbors” organization. As such, our teams compete with local public schools. Throughout the sports seasons, we compete with Christian schools, public schools, private academies, and home-school organizations.
A separate athletic handbook provides specific information for those on an athletic team. Prior to participating on any team, families must provide a completed health history form for each athlete. The health history form must be completed prior to each sports season since changes to an athlete’s health can happen at various times throughout the year. Further, all athletes must have a current (within one year) sports physical completed by a medical professional before the athlete can practice or play. TTCA works with a local school district to provide a free, summer sports physical for all potential athletes who wish to use that service. More information about the TTCA sports program can be obtained by contacting the TTCA athletic director.