We believe that God, and all that He does, is excellent. For that reason, we are committed to excellence at Twin Tiers Christian Academy. Our goal is to provide an exceptional academic program where students are taught to think critically and biblically. Students, like all of us, are bombarded daily with ideas and values that run contrary to God’s word. Therefore, we seek to educate from and equip students with a biblical worldview so that our graduates will be thoroughly prepared, not just for a college or a career, but for life.
Our faculty are well-trained professionals who have answered God’s calling to train future leaders. All of our faculty are certified to teach by the Association of Christian Schools International, and each one is a faithful member of a local, Bible-teaching church. Our teachers are passionate about their subject matter, but more than that, they are passionate about kids who they desire to see grow into mature, confident, and capable leaders.
Course work at TTCA is demanding, but our students find that our teachers are compassionate and ready to help. We understand that each child is uniquely gifted; therefore, teachers treat each student with respect and concern. Students are continually challenged to reach further to achieve their God-given potential.
Twin Tiers Christian Academy is designated by the New York State Education Department as a registered, nonpublic school. Our status as a registered school means that our students will earn a NYS-recognized diploma. That does not mean, however, that we simply follow New York State Standards. Rather, we at TTCA have developed a curriculum that not only helps students achieve NYS standards, but more importantly, is infused with biblical truth.
At a minimum, students need to meet specific course requirements and acquire 24 credits to graduate from TTCA. Since many of our teachers are adjunct faculty with Corning Community College, our students have the opportunity to earn over 20 college credits while at TTCA through the Accelerated College Education course offerings. The ACE credits can be transferred to institutions across the country which allows our students to save significantly on their future college education.
More than anything, though, Twin Tiers Christian Academy is family. Graduates often comment and students will find that TTCA is a place where they feel supported, loved, challenged, and valued. At TTCA, our students receive an excellent education and so much more.