Behind the scenes at Twin Tiers Christian Academy, you will find parents working in a myriad of ways to enhance the experience of students and teachers alike. Parents assist with special events that benefit the school and staff, such as organizing prayer groups, coaching, providing teacher appreciation meals, and participating in our newly formed Family Ambassador Netork (FAN) club. Parents volunteer at our annual scholarship banquet, organize events, work concessions, monitor Servathon, and help raise money in a variety of ways.
Our families make us stronger. We invite you to explore the unique ways you can make a difference. If you would like to get more involved or have ideas please contact Mrs. Deborah de Oliveira or Mrs. Angela Kramer.
Also, If you are a current TTCA family and would like to share your TTCA story with us to help prospective families learn about TTCA, please do so on this form.